As well as in office appointments, we also offer clinical hypnotherapy sessions online for those preferring the comfort of their own home, for out-of-town clients, holidaying clients or if you can’t make it to the office.

Online sessions are just the same as hypnotherapy sessions in the office.

We will discuss a platform that works best prior to your session.

The alteration/cancellation policy is the same: a minimum 24 hours’ notice is required by SMS/text or email or fees are payable.

To get the best out of your session it is vital that you will not be interrupted at any time. Interruptions may lead to your session being cancelled with the full fee payable.

You will be required to take whatever steps necessary prior to your session to setup your environment so that people and pets will not disturb you except in case of an emergency.

Here are the requirements to enable a successful online session. You must provide:

With all electronics there can be technical difficulties, should this be the case and we are unable to reconnect, your session will be rescheduled.

Solution-focused for the achievement of your goals. Book now or reach out via the contact page