As the client or parent I understand and accept that
The collection and recording of personal information are a necessary part of the assessment and treatment protocol. All personal details and any notes that are taken during my session or sessions will be made available to me upon request. All that occurs during my session or sessions including all notes taken will be treated as confidential.
No information will be released without my consent with the exception of the intent to self-harm or harm others, the suspicion of sexual abuse, physical abuse or neglect of a child or elder or the involvement in criminal activity.
At this time my hypnotherapist is ethically and legally bound to protect the innocent and take the necessary steps to report such to the appropriate authorities.
The hypnotherapist cannot guarantee results any more than a doctor can guarantee results from a particular prescription or surgical procedure. The hypnotherapist does not and will not offer to diagnose and or treat any disease and will refer me to my GP or other Health Care Professional.
Hypnosis is not mind control. I am in control the whole time and can open my eyes and communicate at any time that I choose. No one has ever suffered adverse effects simply from being hypnotised.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a system of working with the mind and programming ways in which the mind works. By working with the patterns, belief systems and ideas that the brain uses to store and retrieve information as well as the ways the brain uses this to carry out the functions of the body, NLP is often able to quickly help change this “programming”. This allows me to make the changes at the unconscious level in a matter of minutes, versus days or years with other systems. NLP only works because I choose to do it or not do it. NLP cannot do anything I don’t want to be done.
The hypnotherapist may discuss the particulars of my case excluding my identity during professional supervision.
I am required to give a minimum of 24 hours’ notice to reschedule or cancel my appointment via SMS/text message or email. Failure to do so may result in full fees being charged.
It is my responsibility to arrive on time for my appointment, and if I am someone whom has a tendency to be late to appointments, I will arrive 10 minutes early and wait outside until I am collected.
Should I arrive up to 15 minutes late the duration of my session may be reduced as it will interfere with the following client’s appointment and the full fee will be payable.
If I am more than 15 minutes late it will be necessary for my appointment to be rescheduled and fees may be payable.
In the event that I do not turn up for my appointment the full fee will be charged to me.
I am responsible for turning off my mobile phone before entering the office.
Good hygiene is a requirement of this office. Excessive body odour, excessive perfume and body care products with a strong scent will not be allowed in the office due to possible sensitivities of the therapist and following clients.
If I come to the session and hygiene and or odour is an issue, I agree to forfeit the session at my expense. No food or drink is allowed in the office except for water.
There may be follow-up systems that will be important for me to complete after each session. These provide the support structure enabling the best outcome from the session. I understand that the full benefit of each session may not be had without using and implementing the support structures given in the session.
For Become a Non-Smoker Forever clients only
I understand that the quit cigarettes program does not have a stated refund policy. Our guarantee is that if you need a follow-up session, it will be at no extra cost to help you stay a non-smoker.
For Online Sessions
It is my responsibility to arrange my environment so that I am not interrupted during my online session except in the case of an emergency. Failure to do so may lead to my session being cancelled with the full fee payable.